Citation: 1171 (As of Jan, 2024)
h-index: 10 (As of Jan, 2024)
곽동욱 (2023) ‘IMO 선박 온실가스 감축 규제에 대한 국내 해운업계 대응의 해석적 구조 분석 (Interpretive structural analysis of the Korean shipping industry's responses to the IMO GHG Regulations)’. 국제상학 38(2), 93-109. (KCI)
오진호, 강태현, 최정원, 서영준, 곽동욱 (2022) ‘시계열 데이터를 활용한 포항항 물동량 예측: SARIMA, Prophet, Neural Prophet의 적용 (Throughput Prediction of Pohang Port using Time Series Data: Application of SARIMA, Prophet and Neural Prophet)’. 무역학회지 47(6), 291-305. (KCI)
김주현, 곽동욱, 김태한, 김기수, 최석우 (2022) ‘우리나라 해운기업 톤세제의 정책적 효과 분석 (Analysis on the policy effect of Tonnage Tax System for shipping companies in Korea )’. 감사논집 39, 149-169. (KCI)
심규철, 곽동욱 (2022) ‘영국 대학의 학생 학습성과 평가의 질 제고 방안에 대한 탐색 (A study on ways to improve the quality of assessing students' learning outcomes of the universities of the United Kingdom)’. 교육발전 42(2), 561-582. (KCI)
곽동욱, 박정양 (2022) ‘온실가스 감축을 위한 IMO 초기전략에 대한 국내 해운업계의 인식에 관한 연구 (Investigating into the perceptions of Korean shipping firms on the IMO's initial strategies to reduce GHG)’. 국제상학 37(2), 115-133. (KCI)
곽동욱, 이성우, 김아롬, 서영준 (2022) ‘포스트 코로나 시대 지역거점항인 포항영일만항과 배후단지 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 (A study on vitalization of the Pohang Youngil Port and its hinterland in the post Covid-19 pandemic)’. 한국항만경제학회지 38(1), 73-86. (KCI)
김정환, 곽동욱 (2021) ‘포항영일만항 활성화를 위한 정책 평가와 사업여건 분석 (A policy evaluation and empirical analysis on the business environments for facilitation of the Pohang Youngilman Port)’. 무역학회지 46(6), 127-142. (KCI)
Roh, S. and Kwak, D.-W. (2021) ‘Structural analysis of the challenges in operating pre-positioned warehouses for humanitarian relief logistics’. Korea International Commerce Review 36(2), 135-161. (KCI)
Kwak, D.-W. (2021) ‘A study on the analysis of global supply chain risks and the differences in the awareness’. International Commerce and Information Review 23(2), 205-224. (KCI)
Seo, Y.-J., Tatschner, R., Pandian, S. and Kwak, D.-W. (2021) ‘Understanding supply chain agility in the FMCG context: An analysis of interactions among agility enablers’. Journal of International Trade & Commerce 17(3), 129-146. (KCI)
Kwak, D.-W. (2021) ‘Enhancing satisfaction of British students with experiential programs and impressions of Korea during study trips’. Tourism Research 46(2), 1-22. (KCI)
Kim, A.-R, Kwak, D.-W. and Seo, Y.-J. (2021) ‘Evaluation of liquefied natural gas bunkering port selection’. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 24(3), 213-226. (ABS 1*, IF 5.992)
심규철, 곽동욱, 황은주 (2021) '영국 대학의 학습 성과, 교수학습 및 평가 전략 분석을 통한 대학 교육에 대한 시사점 - 생명과학 관련 강좌를 중심으로 -'. (Educational Implications for University Education through Analysing Learning Outcomes, Teaching-Learning Strategy and Assessment Strategy of Universities of the United Kingdom - Courses/Programs Related to Life Science -). 생물교육 48(1), 94-106. (KCI)
왕거, 곽동욱, 서영준 (2020) '중국 내 콜드체인 물류업체 선정요인의 우선순위 분석 (A priority analysis of the selection criteria for the cold chain logistics companies in China)'. 해양정책연구 35(2), 195-219. (KCI)
곽동욱 (2020) '공급사슬 회복탄력성의 핵심 역량에 관한 해석적 구조 분석 (An interpretive analysis of supply chain resilience's core competencies)'. 통상정보연구 22(3), 263-282. (KCI)
Antoniou, C., Roh, S., Seo, Y.-J. and Kwak, D.-W. (2019) ‘The impact of service privatization: the case of a container terminal at the Port of Limassol’. International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 11(1), 1-20.
Song, D.-W., Seo, Y.-J. and Kwak, D.-W. (2019) ‘Learning from Hanjin Shipping’s failure: a holistic interpretation on its causes and reasons’. Transport Policy 82, 77-87. (ABS 2*, IF 6.173)
Kwak, D.-W., Sanchez-Rodrigues, V., Mason, R., Beresford, A. and Pettit, S. (2018) ‘Risk interaction in international supply chain logistics: developing a conceptual model’. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 38(2), 372-389. (ABS 4*, IF 9.360)
Kwak, D.-W., Seo, Y.-J. and Mason, R. (2018) ‘Investigating the relationship between supply chain innovation, risk management capabilities and competitive advantage in global supply chains’. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 38(1), 2-21. (ABS 4*, IF 9.360)
Woo, S.-H., Kim, S.-N. Kwak, D.-W., Pettit, S. and Beresford, A. (2018) ‘Multimodal route choice in maritime transportation: the case of Korean auto-parts exporters’. Maritime Policy and Management 45(1), 19-33. (ABS 2*, IF 3.167)
Lee, H.-Y., Kwak, D.-W. and Park, J.-Y. (2017) ‘Corporate social responsibility in supply chains of small and medium-sized enterprises’. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 24(6), 634-647. (ABS 1*, IF 8.464)
Kwak, D.-W. and Seo, Y.-J. (2016) ‘Trade-offs in multimodal transport options: the case of logs carriage from U.S to South Korea’. International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 8(1), 49-63.
Seo, Y.-J., Lee, H.-Y. and Kwak, D.-W. (2016) ‘The effect of technology orientation on integrative supply chain strategy and operational performance.’ Korea Logistics Review 26(3), 1-15. (KCI)
Seo, Y.-J., Dinwoodie, J. and Kwak, D.-W. (2014) ‘The impact of innovativeness on supply chain performance: is supply chain integration a missing link?’. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 19(5/6), 733-746. (ABS 3*, IF 11.263)
Woo, S.-H., Pettit, S., Beresford, A. and Kwak, D.-W. (2012) ‘Seaport research: a decadal analysis of trends and themes since the 1980s’. Transport Reviews 32(3), 351-377. (ABS 2*, IF 10.185)
Woo, S.-H., Pettit, S., Kwak, D.-W. and Beresford, A. (2011) ‘Seaport research: a structured literature review on methodological issues since the 1980s’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 45(7), 667-685. (ABS 3*, IF 6.615)
Kwak, D.-W. (2014) 'Risk Management in International Logistics Operations: Risk Analysis and Mitigation Strategies'. An unpublished PhD thesis for Cardiff Business School, UK.
Kwak, D.-W. (2010) 'Influences of Intermediaries on the Satisfaction of Shippers with Liner Services'. An unpublished Master dissertation for Cardiff Business School, UK.
곽동욱 (2009) '우리나라 톤세 제도의 도입이 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effects of Korean Tonnage Tax System on Corporate Performance)'. 중앙대학교 글로벌HRD대학원 석사논문.